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1353 Riverdale St., West Springfield MA Careers

Aspen Spa

This spa truly has the best of everything, including patented Fluidix® jets and illuminated grab bars. The stunning style of SunSide® cabinetry with integrated exterior corner accent lighting leaves a lasting impression, while tool-free access makes routine maintenance easy. Exclusive SunScents™ aromatherapy-releasing, air-only jets soothe your skin and your senses. A full-body Intelli-Jet™ Seat melts away stress and strain. The customer-favorite Accu-Ssage™ Therapy Seat delivers the deepest-immersion massage experience available.

Our largest non-lounge spa is the only model that includes a unique bench seat for two.

520 gal / 1968.41 liters

1154 lbs / 523.44 kgs


  North America (60 Hz): 1-Speed/2.5 HP Continuous, 11.3A Max., 56 Frame

  North America (60 Hz): 1-Speed/2.5 HP Continuous, 11.3A Max., 56 Frame

Circulation Pump (Y/N): Yes





 ClearRay Active Oxygen™